Crop and Weed Sciences
The Department of Plant Sciences offers a four-year curriculum in Crop and Weed Sciences leading to the Bachelor of Science degree. There are four curriculum options: agronomy, biotechnology, science, and weed science.
Crop and Weed Sciences is the study of grain and forage crop production, weed science, genetics, plant breeding, crop physiology and plant biotechnology. North Dakota is consistently the nation's leader for production of hard red spring wheat, durum wheat, barley, flax, dry edible beans, canola, dry peas, lentils and sunflower. North Dakota also ranks in the top 10 states for production of several other agronomic crops. Thus, North Dakota State University offers a setting well-suited for the study of crop and weed sciences.
Crop and Weed Sciences curriculum options & more
Dr. Kirk Howatt, Program Coordinator